Want Some ‘Me Time?’ Construct the Perfect De-Stress Space in Your Home

want some me time construct the perfect de stress space in your home

It’s easy to get caught up in all the demands of life until you look up and realize that it’s been days since you’ve taken a step back and truly dedicated some time to yourself. It can seem like there is no way to escape the constant hustle and bustle of life – but actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. Doing something as simple as saving space to relax at home can help you create an oasis of “me time” whenever you need it most.

We know how hard it can be balancing hectic work schedules with your self-care needs, so we offer guidance on getting started! Get ready for some tips on constructing the perfect de-stress space in your home so that when those moments hit of needing just a little extra ‘me time’ to keep going, you have somewhere lovely to retreat without leaving your house.

Declutter Your Space to Make it Feel More Calming

One of the most critical steps when creating a de-stress space at home is decluttering. Clutter can be overwhelming and cause a lot of added stress, so making sure it is out of your immediate environment is critical. When you can make space free from clutter, it will immediately become more peaceful and boost relaxation.

It can be as simple as clearing off kitchen counters and coffee tables or reorganizing your closet for a neater look – whatever helps create an inviting sense of peace that allows your mind to relax. Keep in mind that not all de-stressing spaces have to be front and center – find an area that works best for you and prioritize freeing it from clutter first.

Choose Soothing Colors for the Walls and Décor

Colours can have a HUGE impact on our overall well-being, and it’s essential to select those that will benefit us the most. When creating a space devoted to peace and relaxation, nothing is better than shades of blue, green, lavender, pink, or grey. These colours evoke feelings of calmness and serenity—mainly when used with décor items that promote respite.

Whether it’s crystal accents or soft blankets with plush pillows, anything that helps you let go of your stress should be included. So when remodelling your home in preparation for downtime and relaxation, focus first on picking out some gentle hues; your space will immediately feel more tranquil!

Hang a Few Pieces of Art that Inspire You or Bring You Peace

A perfect de-stress space in your home should always be a place to find peace and clarity. One way to do this is by hanging pieces of art that inspire you or bring you a sense of calmness. Hang pieces that evoke a feeling of joy, relaxation, or appreciation.

You can achieve this with prints of classic works by old masters, paintings full of great colours and abstract shapes, or photographs of majestic landscapes — the options are limitless.

Some ideas to consider include hanging photos from your travels to remind you that beauty can be found anywhere, investing in art created by local artists for a personal touch, and painting something yourself for an added sense of accomplishment. Hanging artwork that speaks to your taste can transform any room into an inviting retreat from the stresses of everyday life.

Get a High-Quality, Comfortable Bed

Everyone deserves a comfortable and peaceful spot in their home for respite and relaxation. A quality bed that puts comfort first is essential when planning your de-stress space. Invest in an ergonomic mattress, memory foam pillows, and breathable bedding to improve the overall structure and support of the bed.

Consider getting adjustable beds if necessary for additional support for your head, neck, and lower back, which can be especially helpful after strenuous physical activity or a long workday. Investing in your sleep environment to create the perfect de-stress space will make you more likely to use it regularly for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Create a Comfortable Seating Area Where You Can Relax

Creating a comfortable seating area in your home is the perfect way to destress after a long day. At our online furniture store, you can find pieces that give you a stylish, cozy space to unwind. Whether you’re looking for high-backed armchairs, plush couches, or ottomans for extra support, our selection has something for everyone.

After selecting the furniture of your choice, build a calming atmosphere by picking out colours and textures that soothe you. Keep the space simple but inviting with throw pillows, blankets and scented candles. Tailoring your seating area to suit your needs means having an effective de-stressor dedicated solely to winding down and clearing your head – no matter how hectic.

Add Plants or Flowers for a Natural Touch

Adding plants or flowers to your de-stress space in your home is a great way to relax. Not only do they bring beauty and life into the environment, but something is calming and soothing about having them around. Research has shown that being around plants can help reduce stress and anxiety, aid emotional and physical healing, refresh air quality, and improve well-being by increasing self-esteem.

Furthermore, plants help to naturally humidify a space which can be beneficial for anyone suffering from allergies or respiratory illnesses as it reduces irritation and keeps the air free from airborne pollutants. Ultimately, adding plants or flowers to your de-stress area will create a beautiful atmosphere and bring positive feelings of health.

Final Words

Contact us if you’re interested in creating your own de-stress space but need help figuring out where to start! We’d be happy to help you – after all, we’re professionals. But until then, try one (or all) of our tips and see how they work for you. If you’re not one for meditating or don’t have the time to go to a spa every week, consider constructing your own de-stress space in your home. And remember: when it comes to destressing, there’s no wrong way to do it. So go ahead and put that ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door – you deserve it.

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